Diagnosing IBS with ibs-smart® and patients to consider

Dr. Mark Pimentel​
Professor of Medicine at Geffen School of Medicine and Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center in Los Angeles, California.
With ibs-smart®, you can rule in IBS using a blood test and determine the original cause.
Used early in your diagnostic protocol, ibs-smart® can help you focus diagnostic workups.
  • Validated IBS biomarkers
    provide a diagnosis of
  • Antibody blood testing offers
    an organic confirmation of an
    IBS diagnosis.
  • A positive result indicates the
    root cause of the patient’s IBS
    was an instance of infectious

Patients to consider

  • Have IBS symptoms with a diarrheal component
  • Have no alarm symptoms (e.g., blood in stool)
  • May or may not remember having had food poisoning
  • ​May have factors that increase risks associated with invasive procedures
ibs-smart® has broad applicability to patients with diarrheal symptoms.
Up to 60% of patients with diarrheal IBS symptoms could be suffering from post-infectious IBS.
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